Body Jewelry
Sterling Silver Rings
Body Piercing Gallery
25 West Bridge Street
Oswego, NY, 13126
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Body Jewelry
Sterling Silver Rings
Body Piercing Gallery
Body Jewelry
Flat Back Stud
Mushroom Flat-Back Stud in Titanium
Titanium Navel Gemstone Moon Phase with Chains
Labradorite Stone Plugs
Vampire Fangs Titanium Flat Back Stud
Palm Tree Titanium Flat Back Stud
Gemstone Vine Hinge Hoop
14K Gold Triple Fire Opal Hoop
Titanium Gemstone Nipple Barbells
Double Gemstone Titanium Hinge Hoops
Star Gemstone Titanium Micro Flat Back Stud
High Quality Titanium Gemstone Dangle Navel Bar
Titanium Gold Curved Barbell with Gemstones
Glass Plugs
Tear Drop Glass Plugs
Titanium Fire Opal Threadless Barbells
Titanium Gemstone Bat Navel Bars
Titanium Gemstone Threadless Barbells
Titanium Gemstone Cluster Flat Back Stud
Titanium Gemstone Heart Navel Bar
Titanium Gemstone Dangle Navel Bar
14K Gold Fire Opal Butterfly Hoop
Purple Glass Double Flared Plugs
Titanium Gemstone Mushroom Stud
Titanium High Quality Butterfly Navel Bar
Fire Opal Bat Titanium
Titanium Industrial Bar Gemstone Star
Titanium Marquise Gemstones Dangle Navel Bar
Titanium Gemstone Flower Navel
Crescent Moon Gemstones Clicker
Titanium Clickers Hearts with Gemstones
Rose Titanium Hinge Hoop
Titanium Gemstone Heart Navel
Titanium Prong Set Belly Button Bar
Titanium Flower Top Navel Bar
Titanium Double Hinge Hoop
Titanium Gemstone Hinge Hoops
Fire Opals Gold Navel Bar
Titanium Opal Cluster Belly Button Bar
Titanium Gemstone Bezel Set Belly Button Bar
Baby Bat Titanium
Titanium Gemstones Chain Dangle Navel Bar
Titanium CZ Cluster Belly Button Bar
Fire Opals Titanium Belly Button Bar
Titanium Gemstone Belly Button Bar
Titanium Fire Opals Prong Set Belly Button Bar
Titanium Fire Opals Belly Button Bar
Titanium Gemstone Micro Flat Back Stud
Titanium Gemstone Navel
White Fire Opal Titanium Nose Screw
Blue Fire Opal Titanium Nose Screw
Titanium Gold Gemstone Nose Screw
Fire Opal Gold Titanium Nose Screw
Gold Titanium Gemstones Belly Button Barbell
Gold Titanium Hinge Hoop
Titanium Hidden Helix Gem Chain Dangle
Titanium Crescent Moon Navel
Marguise Gemstone Micro Flat Back Stud
Titanium Flower Curved Barbell
Black Titanium Hinge Hoop
Titanium Gemstone Belly Button Barbell
Prong Set Gemstones Titanium Belly Button Barbell
Rose Gold Titanium Hinge Hoop
Rainbow Titanium Hinge Hoop
Blue Titanium Hinge Hoop
Green Titanium Hinge Hoop
Purple Titanium Hinge Hoop
Gemstone Gold Titanium Hinge Hoop
Gemstone Titanium Hinge Hoop
Gemstone Black Titanium Hinge Hoop
Nostril Prong Set Gemstone L Bend in Titanium
Gemstone Titanium Barbells
Nostril Bezel Set Gemstone L Bend in Titanium
Nostril Fire Opal Prong Set L Bend
Nostril Fire Opal Bezel Set L Bend
Roses Navel Bars
Titanium Gemstone Hinge Hoop
Titanium Gold Gemstone Hinge Hoop
Titanium Fire Opals Hinge Hoops
Fire Opal Horseshoe
Titanium Horseshoe
Titanium Horshoe
Paw Print Industrial Bar
Tiger Eye Flat Back Stud
Gemstone Micro Flat Back Stud
Titanium Star Nostril L Bend
Vitrail Gemstones Fire Opal Crescent Moon Spider Web Belly Bar
Stay Wild Wolf Fire Opal Moon Belly Bar
Sunshine Belly Bar
Gemstones Belly Bar
Gemstones Belly Bar
Titanium Butterfly Barbell
Gold Titanium Fire Opal Hinge Hoops
Titanium Gemstone Hinge Hoops
Titanium Double Heart Gold Navel Bar
Rainbow Titanium Barbell
Gold Titanium Barbell
Titanium Barbell
Titanium Horshoe
Snake Hinge Hoops
Fire Opal Industrial
sold out
Fire Opal Sunburst Industrial
Malachite Belly Bars
Abalone Shell Bat Belly Bar
Abalone Shell Bat Clicker
Abalone Shell Bat Industrial Bar
Abalone Shell Bat Nipple Bars
Black Obsidian Coffin Plugs
Gold Titanium Prong Set Fire Opal Belly Bar
Titanium Gemstone Horseshoe
Bat Hinge Hoop
Fire Opal Moon Phase Industrial Barbell
Fire Opal Bent Barbell
Sword Flat Back Studs
Gemstone Marquise Flat Back Studs
Crescent Moon Gemstone Stud
Crescent Moon Fire Opal Navel Barbell
Fuck Cancer Belly Bar
Vitrail Dark Rainbow Gemstones Clicker
Fire Opal Moon Clicker
Mushroom Navel Barbell
Gemstones Chains Dangle Belly Barbell
Sunshine Belly Bar
Rose Quartz Navel Barbell
Titanium Horseshoe with Gemstones
Titanium Gemstone Clicker
Gem Vine Dangle Gold Navel Bar
Flower Gems Belly Bar
Titanium Gemstone Push Pin Studs
Black Titanium Fire Opal Belly Bar
Gemstones Titanium Hinge Hoop
Titanium Prong Set Fire Opal Bent Barbell
Flower Navel Bar
Mushroom Gemstones Industrial Barbell
Bat with Star Dangles Industrial Bar
Spider Web Industrial Bar
Honeycomb Bee Industrial Bar
Gemstone Crescent Moon Industrial Bar
Spiked Nipple Bars Set
Gemstone Flat Back Stud
Triple Fire Opal Stud
Butterfly Gemstone Titanium Stud
Titanium Gemstone Horseshoe
Titanium Clickers
Titanium Double Gemstone Bent Barbell
Spider Curved Barbell
Titanium Tear Drop Dangle Navel
Titanium Gemstone Cluster Nipple Bars
Titanium Gemstone Cluster Navel
Fire Opal Flower Top Navel
Navel Gemstone Vine Dangle
Gold Prong Gem L Bend Nostril
Aurora Borealis Rainbow Gemstone Titanium Nostril L Bend
Spike Titanium L Bend Nostril
Fire Opal Bead Hinge Hoop Titanium
Titanium Gemstone Curved Barbell
Titanium Black Vitrail Gemstone Barbell
Fire Opal Titanium Curved Barbell
Fire Opal Titanium Hinge Hoop
Screwlet Plugs
Crescent Moon with Star Dangle Flat-Back Titanium Stud
Titanium Rainbow Gemstone Hinge Hoop
Hidden Helix Titanium Gemstone with Chain
Titanium Rainbow Beads Hinge Hoop